2008 ACCS Conference in Austin

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The Association of Classical and Christian Schools is holding their 2008 Annual Conference in Austin this year.

While I am becoming less and less interested in the "school" model, I am interested in the classical methods. I discourage "school" when it is defined as a daily classroom environment with a single expert teaching 15 to 30 children. There are benefits from joining with others now and then to hear the wisdom of a single expert or visionary. However, the day-to-day educational model the scriptures teach are parents mentoring and discipling their own children. Of course, Jesus taught His disciples in more of a school model. He as the leader of 12 students who were not His own biological children. So again, I see the expert-led classroom model as biblical and practical for mature adults.

That said, I am excited about the ACCS conference and will be attending this year. I greatly anticipate the opportunity to hear Ken Myers in person, having listened to his perspective for years through my Mars Hill Audio subscription. He and the other great speakers will be an encouragement to any home-educating parents who attend. I hope to see you there!