Consequences of Ideas – Overview of Western Philosophy

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Consequences of Ideas, by R.C. Sproul, is an overview of philosophy from the pre-Socratics through the 20th century. The book is 14 chapters. An accompanying video series of 35 different messages is available as well as a study guide for the video series. We use all three resources in our study. We start with reading the book chapter, possibly writing an essay on the chapter. Next, the corresponding video messages are viewed. Reading is assigned, if appropriate, for the philosopher being studied, again with an accompanying written essay. Since there are 2 or 3 video messages per chapter and we watch 1 or 2 video messages a week, the sequence takes about 2 weeks per book chapter. Other reading is ongoing on days the Consequences study is not done.

Our study sequence is more easily understood from looking at the Month 6 example schedule. You can go at this or a faster pace, especially if your student is already fascinated with the big ideas of philosophy. It's very important not to rush through this but to have a leisurely introduction to these ideas that will be studied in depth in later years. They are engagingly presented by Dr. Sproul on the video series and your student should find these enjoyable. A summary of our study sequence is available at our 8th grade History/Reading page.