Bob Jones Geography

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We used the Geography course from Bob Jones in 9th and 10th grade. Make sure and get a recent edition that includes all the changes in Europe and Asia from 1989 and on. We work on a chapter a week, on average. At this pace, the book can be completed in a school year. Though aimed at schools, we found it works very well for homeschool.

Each chapter is divided into several sections. There are “Section Review” questions that reinforce the section material. I like the “Geographer’s Corner” feature in most chapters. This is an additional exercise in reading maps with charts, so essential these days with so much media being visual and graphic

The course is divided by major regions and people-groups and each regional division has a chapter of about 15 or 20 pages on specific countries or groups of related nations. Though many homeschoolers prefer not to use textbooks, I think this course is the right approach for Geography. Much Geography is basic information – rivers, capitals, populations, etc. which is better suited to textbook format. Parents will appreciate the Teacher’s Edition volume which has answers to all the Section Reviews and Chapter Reviews, as well as additional information to complete the course.